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🟡 FLIP TOP in rosewood
Rare mid-century rosewood Flip Top desk, designed and produced by Peter Løvig Nielsen (1929-2007), Denmark, 1968 (date bottom drawer). The elongated block on top of the desktop can be turned around, creating a larger desk for two people (partner desk). The rotating block is attached to the main top with beautiful copper hinges. The desk has a rosewood veneer finish and a solid wooden base. There are four drawers on the front with beautifully designed handles. Top piece marked with sticker Lovig Danish Design.
(the design is also often attributed to Jens Quistgaard 1919-2008)
Peter Løvig Nielsen (1929-2007) was a Danish furniture designer known for his elegant and functional designs. He was born in Denmark and trained as a cabinetmaker before studying furniture design at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen.
Nielsen began his career as a furniture designer in the 1950s, and quickly gained recognition for his innovative designs. His furniture was characterized by its clean lines, simplicity, and functionality, and he often used natural materials such as wood and leather.
#peterlovignielsen #peterløvig #peterløvignielsen #royaldanishacademyoffinearts #fliptop #fliptopdesk #midcenturyrosewood #midcenturyrosewoodfurniture #jensquistgaard #jensquistgaarddansk #danskdesign #danishdesign #midcenturydesign #degeleetalage #rarevintage #highendvintage #toppiece #highendfurniture #vintagedeventer #deventervintage #vintageijsselroute

Sturdy coffee table consisting of a curved plywood frame and inlaid with ceramic tiles with leaf and flower motifs (Herbarium). The cocktail table stands on four round removable legs.The so-called “Garrigue” tiles were produced with a technique in which real leaves were pressed into the clay and fell apart during baking, leaving a finely detailed print. Roger Capron is the best-known designer of these tables for Atelier Callis in the Vallauris region of France. The table is not provided with a hallmark.
#ceramictable #ceramicfurniture #ceramicdesign #ceramic #rogercapron #rogercapronceramic #rogercapronceramics #rogercapronstyle #herbalium #flowertable #garrigue #garrigues #ateliercallis #vallaurisceramic #vallaurisceramic #vallaurispottery #degeleetalage #frenchdesign #frenchvintage #brutalist

Sturdy coffee table consisting of a curved plywood frame and inlaid with ceramic tiles with leaf and flower motifs (Herbarium). The cocktail table stands on four round removable legs.The so-called “Garrigue” tiles were produced with a technique in which real leaves were pressed into the clay and fell apart during baking, leaving a finely detailed print. Roger Capron is the best-known designer of these tables for Atelier Callis in the Vallauris region of France. The table is not provided with a hallmark.
#ceramictable #ceramicfurniture #ceramicdesign #ceramic #rogercapron #rogercapronceramic #rogercapronceramics #rogercapronstyle #herbalium #flowertable #garrigue #garrigues #ateliercallis #vallaurisceramic #vallaurisceramic #vallaurispottery #degeleetalage #frenchdesign #frenchvintage #brutalist

🟡 Balance by wires
Rare postmodern 80s table with a special construction designed by the Dutch architect Koen van Velsen (1952). The table has a solid wooden top with white Formica finish and a tapered table edge. The top is supported by a minimalist chromed steel frame on a weighted metal base and a continuous tension cable that keeps the table in balance. The tension cable is tensioned/fixed to three threaded rods with nuts. At the top, this connection is visible through three metal rosettes. Special conceptual version of a dining table.
Koen van Velsen (1952) is an architect from Hilversum, Netherlands known for his design work on the Discothèque Slinger, rehabilitation center Groot Klimmendaal and the library in Zeewolde. His work employs a contextual design approach, free of a personal esthetic (Wikipedia)
#koenvanvelsen #koenvanvelsenarchitects #postmodern #postmodernism #postmodernfurniture #postmoderntable #rounddiningtable #onefeettable #tablewithonefeet #vintage80stable #vintagedealer #vintagedeventer #deventervintage #degeleetalage #postmoderndesign #formicatable #formicatafel
#vintagenederland #furniturearchitects #rarefurniture #rarefurniturefinds

🟡 Balance by wires
Rare postmodern 80s table with a special construction designed by the Dutch architect Koen van Velsen (1952). The table has a solid wooden top with white Formica finish and a tapered table edge. The top is supported by a minimalist chromed steel frame on a weighted metal base and a continuous tension cable that keeps the table in balance. The tension cable is tensioned/fixed to three threaded rods with nuts. At the top, this connection is visible through three metal rosettes. Special conceptual version of a dining table.
Koen van Velsen (1952) is an architect from Hilversum, Netherlands known for his design work on the Discothèque Slinger, rehabilitation center Groot Klimmendaal and the library in Zeewolde. His work employs a contextual design approach, free of a personal esthetic (Wikipedia)
#koenvanvelsen #koenvanvelsenarchitects #postmodern #postmodernism #postmodernfurniture #postmoderntable #rounddiningtable #onefeettable #tablewithonefeet #vintage80stable #vintagedealer #vintagedeventer #deventervintage #degeleetalage #postmoderndesign #formicatable #formicatafel
#vintagenederland #furniturearchitects #rarefurniture #rarefurniturefinds