🟠 THONET / Oswald Haerdtl / vintage beuken eettafelstoelen (6) / 1950s Tsjecho-Slowakije

RESERVED (Germany) /

Rare set of beech dining chairs by Oswald Haerdtl (1899-1859) and produced by Ton (Thonet) in former Czech Republic, 1950s / zeldzame set (6) beuken eettafelstoelen ontworpen door de Oostenrijkse ontwerper Oswald Haerdtl en geproduceerd door Ton (Thonet) in voormalig Tsjecho-Slowakije 1950s. Karakteristieke beukenhouten stoelen, No515 met gebogen rugleuning, voorgevormde zittingen en sierlijke armleuningen, goed zitcomfort. De stoelen zijn gemerkt met papieren Thonet labels en gebrandmerkt met “made in Czechoslovakia”.

Heardtl was een architect en ontwerper en een leerling van Kolo Moser. Begin twintiger jaren was hij werknemer in de prive studio van Josef Hoffmann.

Conditie: zeer goede originele vintage conditie. Lichte gebruikssporen overeenkomstig de leeftijd.

Afmetingen: breed 63 cm, diep 54 cm, hoogte 83 cm, zithoogte 46 cm

Code: S2217

rare set (6) beech dining table chairs designed by the Austrian designer Oswald Haerdtl and produced by Ton (Thonet) in the former Czechoslovakia 1950s. Characteristic beech wood chairs, No515 with curved backrest, molded seats and graceful armrests, good seating comfort. The chairs are marked with paper Thonet labels and branded with “made in Czechoslovakia”.

Heardtl was an architect and designer and a student of Kolo Moser. In the early twenties he was an employee in the private studio of Josef Hoffmann. Very good original vintage condition. Light signs of wear consistent with age.




After receiving the form we will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you in advance, Derko-Jan

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please let us know


Unfortunately, we will not be present with a stand at the Design Icon fair in the Kromhouthal this weekend. However, you are welcome by appointment on Sunday 9 March in our warehouse on the outskirts of Amsterdam in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel. Please send me an e-mail to info@degeleetalage.nl if you would like to come by. Thank you in advance. 

*sideboard oak series by Cees Braakman - Pastoe 
*coffee table Roger Capron style 
*cabinet seagrass doors by Inger Klingenberg - Fristho 
*Siesta easychair by Ingmar Relling - westnofa 
*rosewood flip-top desk by Peter Lovig Nielsen 
*black leather poufs

#pastoe #ceesbraakman #ceesbraakmanforpastoe #designicons #designiconsamsterdam #designicons2025 #vintagefair #vintagefurniturefair #rogercapron #siestachair #ingmarrelling #ingmarrellingsiesta #westnofa #ingerklingenberg #fristho #peterlovignielsen #pouf #degeleetalage
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Beautiful set of 4 dining chairs, designed by Hans J. Wegner and produced by Fritz Hansen, Denmark 1950s
The triangular construction of the special chairs is a combination of beech and teak. The frame is made of birch and the plywood seat is made of teak. The three legs and the shape of the seat are in the shape of a heart (heart chair). The iconic chairs have a beautiful finishing detail of the legs in the seat. The chairs are stackable. The chairs are from the first owner and all four are marked with a stamp.
Condition: very good vintage condition. Minimal traces of use considering the age of the chairs.

more info www.degeleetalage.nl

#hanswegnerchair #hanswegner #hanswegnerchairs #fritzhansen #fritzhansenchair #fh4103 #heartchairs #danishdesignfurniture #danishmidcenturymodern #danishmidcenturymodernfurniture #degeleetalage #vintagedeventer #deventervintage #iconicchair #dänischMidcenturymodern #デンマークミッドセンチュリー #덴마크중세현대 #중세 모던
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Rare mid-century rosewood Flip Top desk, designed and produced by Peter Løvig Nielsen (1929-2007), Denmark, 1968

Peter Løvig Nielsen (1929-2007) was a Danish furniture designer known for his elegant and functional designs. He was born in Denmark and trained as a cabinetmaker before studying furniture design at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen.
Nielsen began his career as a furniture designer in the 1950s, and quickly gained recognition for his innovative designs. His furniture was characterized by its clean lines, simplicity, and functionality, and he often used natural materials such as wood and leather.

#peterlovignielsen #peterløvig #peterløvignielsen #royaldanishacademyoffinearts #fliptop #fliptopdesk #midcenturyrosewood #midcenturyrosewoodfurniture #jensquistgaard #jensquistgaarddansk #danskdesign #danishdesign #midcenturydesign #degeleetalage #rarevintage #highendvintage #toppiece #highendfurniture #vintagedeventer #deventervintage #vintageijsselroute
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Writing desk by Jens Quistgaard  for Peter Lovig Nielsen, Denmark 1970s illuminated by a desk lamp by Egon Hillebrand, 1950s.

#jensquistgaard #jensquistgaarddansk #jensquistgaarddenmark #peterlovignielsen #peterløvignielsen #peterlovigdesk #fliptopdesk #danishdesk #rosewooddesk #egonhillebrand #egonhillebrandlampe #egonhillebranddesign #egonhillebrandmessing #degeleetalage #degeleetalagevintagedesign  #vintagedeventer #deventervintage #fliptop
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